free digital art prints for Patreon members 💫

hi friends 🤗

here is some of the artwork and photography i’ve gifted my Patreon members as digital art print downloads for them to use and print as they like 👍🏻

these digital art prints are in addition to the other benefits each of the seven contributor tiers already receive. they’re a way of saying thank you for such generosity and are given to every level 🤩

for the price of a coffee (just $3 or $5) a month, you can have all of these digital prints, plus future ones, plus tier benefits ✨

please consider supporting my art and my ability to offer free/by donation meditation instruction, as i also provide full-time care for my father who has Parkinson’s/Lewy Body Dementia. 

Thank you!
You can find my Patreon link here: 💫



#generosity #giving #dana #Patreon #contributors #art #meditation #path #practice #JinpaLhaga #JMWart

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