let go, let love…


“You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. Tie no weights to your ankles.” 

~ C. JoyBell C.

let go, let be, and be free. 

letting go can be a practice of love.

we may think letting go is the same as not caring, that it is indifference and not loving, but holding on – grasping tightly, is not love. it is an attempt, even with good intention and care, to control, to have things stay and not change.

with love we can care, we can do our part, offer our portion of compassion and healing, without holding on, without trying to control an outcome. we just plants seeds, we tend, we water, we let go.

letting go, we can allow for change, we can allow for life. 

love is freedom, letting go is freedom, and we should be free.



#LetGo #LetBe #LetLove #love #freedom #OpenHeart #path #practice #CJoybellC #JinpaLhaga #JMWart #calligraphy

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