this precious life, a billion years in the making…


as i understand it, the explosive death of a star is what propels out into space oxygen, carbon, iron, and other elements that make life possible. a star in its death, makes new life possible. it is said that the elements within our bodies began in stars billions of years ago. so, in a very real way, we are indeed made of “star-stuff” as Carl Sagan once said, which later came to be popularized as stardust.

how incredible and miraculous is that? without the events of billions of years prior to us, we wouldn’t be here. if ever we feel like we don’t belong, that we don’t fit in, we can remember the incredible truth that we are an expression of this universe, it quite literally continues within us.

whether we believe this life is it, or there’s a hereafter, or whether we believe in rebirth or reincarnation, this life now that we are living is unique for us, billions of years in the making and that is a precious, sacred gift worth cherishing and honoring with our love. 



#cosmos #universe #stars #starstuff #stardust #life #OpenHeart #path #practice #ThichNhatHanh #JinpaLhaga

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